Áldott húsvéti ünnepeket kívánok! Testvéri szeretettel:
Bátori Zoltán, lelkipásztor
Szeretettel várunk!
a magyar-angol nyelvű Húsvéti Úrvacsorás Ünnepi Istentiszteletünkre!
2024. március 31. - Húsvét vasárnap - de. 11-kor
Web: meet.google.com/vcd-rvfy-iwd
Telefon: +1 916.400.9608 PIN: 788 690 646#
Ha interneten csatlakozik hozzánk:
Készítsük elő az istentiszteleti helyet. A megtört kenyérdarabokat egy szép kistányérba tegyük, a bort vagy szőlőlét valami olyan pohárba töltsük, ami számunkra ünnepélyességet, különlegességet fejez ki. A liturgiát követve mondhatjuk hangosan az ismert szöveget (hitvallás), ahogy a templomban szoktuk.
Easter March 31. 2024.
Dear Christian Brother!
Easter is approaching, the anniversary of the most incomprehensible and extraordinary event in the Universe.
The Creator of the World, after 33 and a half years of demonstrating the character of God - the very essence of God’s love - through His teachings and miracles, gave His life for us, and for you among us. He could not have died as God, and therefore He laid down His divinity to redeem us as a human being. He voluntarily laid down his life, and willingly took it up on the third day, as the prophets had foretold centuries before.
How might this event affect your life and mine? Does this event affect us by itself, or does our free choice have a role to play? Let's think and explore these questions together through the inspired words of the Bible!
Wishing you a blessed Easter! With brotherly love:
Zoltán Bátori, Minister
Please join us online for
and Holy Communion in Hungarian and English
March 31., Easter Sunday, at 11 AM!
Web link: meet.google.com/vcd-rvfy-iwd
or by Telephone: +1 916.400.9608 PIN: 788 690 646#
If you join us online:
Before the service, please prepare a piece of leavened or unleavened bread and a cup of wine or grape juice, with or without alcohol. Please set these near where you will worship.
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